Silver Surfer Black Ground Glass Vaporizer (220V)
Silver Surfer Black Ground Glass Vaporizer (220V)

The Silver Surfer Vaporizer is one of the distinguished leaders of the vaporizer community and for great reason. This top-of-the-line whip-style vaporizer is made in Colorado Springs, Colorado from high quality components by manufacturer 7th Floor. The SSV has a wealth of options to customize your vaping experience. Users can select from a wide variety of designs, colors and heating cover possibilities. The Silver Surfer utilizes a unique reverse 90 degree angle design (prevents your blend from falling out of the wand) and the force of gravity to effectively vaporize your favorite aromatic blend. This particular Vaporizer offers a ground glass connection. The ground glass connection allows the user to vaporize without holding the whip in place, providing a true hands free experience. Unlike the glass found on most other Vaporizers, 7th Floor hand blows all their glass pieces to ensure only the highest quality components.

not rated $279.99 Add to cart
Silver Surfer Silver Ground Glass Vaporizer (220V)
Silver Surfer Silver Ground Glass Vaporizer (220V)

The Silver Surfer Vaporizer is one of the distinguished leaders of the vaporizer community and for great reason. This top-of-the-line whip-style vaporizer is made in Colorado Springs, Colorado from high quality components by manufacturer 7th Floor. The SSV has a wealth of options to customize your vaping experience. Users can select from a wide variety of designs, colors and heating cover possibilities. The Silver Surfer utilizes a unique reverse 90 degree angle design (prevents your blend from falling out of the wand) and the force of gravity to effectively vaporize your favorite aromatic blend. This particular Vaporizer offers a ground glass connection. The ground glass connection allows the user to vaporize without holding the whip in place, providing a true hands free experience. Unlike the glass found on most other Vaporizers, 7th Floor hand blows all their glass pieces to ensure only the highest quality components.

not rated $258.99 Add to cart
Super Surfer
Super Surfer
7th Floor is back, and have taken their classic Silver Surfer Vaporizer to a whole new level. Introducing the Super Surfer – a dual-function forced air unit that can be used with both balloon bag and whip-draw vapor delivery systems. The Super Surfer features a state-of-the-art air-intake filtration system, precise temperature/fan control, newly redesigned quick-change heater cover, color changing LED mood lights, as well as familiar SSV styling. Like all 7th Floor vaporizers, it is also compatible with a variety of filtration and cooling accessories. Simply put, the Super Surfer is the ultimate all-in-one desktop vaporizer.
not rated $409.99 Add to cart